#201 Struers Minitom Precision Diamond Saw - Metallography Canada

#201 Struers Minitom Precision Diamond Saw

Minitom is a small, low-speed, automatic precision cutting machine for sectioning delicate materialographic workpieces that can’t tolerate the heat generated by high-speed cutting.

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  • Excellent condition unit, tested and cleaned and ready to ship.  Priced at a fraction of the new price of this current-generation saw.  Minitom is a small, low-speed, automatic precision cutting machine for sectioning delicate materialographic workpieces that can’t tolerate the heat generated by high-speed cutting.  Workpieces up to 30 x 40 mm
  • Accuracy of +0.01 mm
  • Can accept 75-125 mm (3-5’’) CBN and diamond cut-off wheels

The gravity feed design allows for sectioning of various material types, with high accuracy and reproducibility.

